He was Mongolian most popular man. Chinggis Khan’s original name was Temujin. He was born in Khentii mountains (1162-1227) son of Yesukhei. His father was a tribal chief. At the age of 13 he succeeded his father as tribal chief. By 1206 he was the master of Mongolia and was named by his people Chinggis Khan meaning precious warrior lord, Khan is mean King. 1208 he got his foothold inside the great wall of China and in 1213 he led his armies south and west into the area and did not stop until he reached Shantung Peninsula. In 1215 he captured Yenking with his armies, the last Chin stronghold, and in 1218 the Korean Peninsula fell to his powers. In 1219, for revenge of the murders of some Mongol traders he turned his armies west, invading Khoresm, a vast Turkish empire. Looting and massacring, they swept through Turkistan and sacked the cities of Bukhoro and Samarqand. Chinggis Khan was a great leader because he keept his army excellently organized, they were also very disciplined and maneuverable. He was also an honorable statesman and his empire was so safe and organized that it is said that a visitor could go from one end of it to the other without ever feeling a sense of fear or danger. When he died on August 18th 1227, his empire was split up 3 ways and given to his 3 sons and gradually dissipated. His mother Oulun was a courageous woman. Genghis Khan had 4 wives and 4 children 1.Zuchi 2.Tsagadai 3.Ogodei 4.Tului. wives name: Borte Ujin, Khulan, Yesugei. Yesui.